Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I just got back from a trip to Oklahoma to visit family for Mother's Day! It was so good see everyone and catch up, but oh so tiring! I feel like I need another vacation just to rest up. The weekend was filled with going and doing and letting Grandma show off her grandson. Believe me, I had plans from the moment I stepped off the plane to the moment I boarded to come back to home! We spent time with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins, and a few family friends.

The time away was bittersweet on all accounts. Adam did not get to go with us, so it was hard on all of us to be apart from each other. I had to spend my first Mother's Day AND our 2 Year Anniversary apart from my hubby!!!! We obviously did not look at the dates very close when we planned the trip. I just thought it would be good for my mom if I took Beck to see her on the holiday weekend. On the upside, time with family was priceless and getting to see the joy on their face when they spent time with my precious son was irreplaceable!

All in all, it was wonderful but I am sooooo glad to be home! I missed my husband tremendously and Beckett missed his Daddy!

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