Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Day O' Fun!

As many of you know, yesterday was my birthday and my husband was put in charge of planning a fun day! Well, it turned out to be the best birthday I have ever had! He first comes home from work the night before and informs me that he was thinking that he would by a Nintendo Wii, but he wanted to make sure that I was okay with that. You see, he has actually been wanting a wii since they came out but I have just recently starting getting the itch for one since they came out with the Wii Fit! So, I said of course and then it was off to search for a store with one in stock. Luckily, it didn't take too long and we tracked down a Wii and Wii Fit! Wahoo! Happy Early Birthday to me huh!?! (Or should I say to us, I think he spent more time playing than I did)

Anyway, on to the actual Birthday! Adam had planned for us to spend the morning at the zoo! I LOVE THE ZOO! It was so much fun and Beckett was actually more into the animals than the previous trip! As for the evening, Adam had also arranged for a babysitter so that we could go on a date! Have I mentioned that I absolutely love this man! He is so good to me! So, we enjoyed a quiet dinner with no worries about the little one and then it was off to see "Get Smart"!

All in all, it was such a good day! Putting all materialistic things aside, even though those things were/are great fun, I had the best day because of the husband and the little boy that God has blessed me with! They are everything in this world to me and I love being the woman in their life. They bring me so much joy and laughter and everyday is a gift knowing that I get to spend it with them!

Family Photo at the Entrance

Could you please get this dorky hat off of me!?!

Beckett loved the penquins!

Me and My Boy - There are bears in the background if you look really hard!