Saturday, October 25, 2008

I started a new blog....

I have a new blog page.... it is

Come and visit me there!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Day O' Fun!

As many of you know, yesterday was my birthday and my husband was put in charge of planning a fun day! Well, it turned out to be the best birthday I have ever had! He first comes home from work the night before and informs me that he was thinking that he would by a Nintendo Wii, but he wanted to make sure that I was okay with that. You see, he has actually been wanting a wii since they came out but I have just recently starting getting the itch for one since they came out with the Wii Fit! So, I said of course and then it was off to search for a store with one in stock. Luckily, it didn't take too long and we tracked down a Wii and Wii Fit! Wahoo! Happy Early Birthday to me huh!?! (Or should I say to us, I think he spent more time playing than I did)

Anyway, on to the actual Birthday! Adam had planned for us to spend the morning at the zoo! I LOVE THE ZOO! It was so much fun and Beckett was actually more into the animals than the previous trip! As for the evening, Adam had also arranged for a babysitter so that we could go on a date! Have I mentioned that I absolutely love this man! He is so good to me! So, we enjoyed a quiet dinner with no worries about the little one and then it was off to see "Get Smart"!

All in all, it was such a good day! Putting all materialistic things aside, even though those things were/are great fun, I had the best day because of the husband and the little boy that God has blessed me with! They are everything in this world to me and I love being the woman in their life. They bring me so much joy and laughter and everyday is a gift knowing that I get to spend it with them!

Family Photo at the Entrance

Could you please get this dorky hat off of me!?!

Beckett loved the penquins!

Me and My Boy - There are bears in the background if you look really hard!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Letter Your Legacy!

Okay so today I want to give a shout out to some of my favorite college friends, Adam and Stacy Teague! I have not talked to them in a couple of years but yesterday I found their website through another blog and I thought they deserved props from me too. They started their own company, Letter Your Legacy, selling framed abstract art spelling out a name of your choice. It is awesome and I fell in love with it. I am trying to talk my husband into buying me one when we purchase a home! It is also such a great gift idea for any occasion!

If you are interested in purchasing one, go to their website
You can design your own or have them use their expertise to do it for you! Go check it out already!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wow! It has been a while!

Okay so I know that I took a blogging sabbatical, but I didn't realize just how long I had abandoned my page! Things have been a little on the busy side lately. It seems that being married to a youth pastor means that summertime is the craziest time of year! We have cookouts, mission trips, camp, and just hanging out with the kids! It is a blast but I have to be honest and say that I am ready for school to start!

Let's recap the month of July..... it started out with Adam heading to San Antonio to preach a camp for a close friend while I headed to Oklahoma to see the family. Upon our return, we had a week at home before Adam left again on Mission: Utah with our church and youth group. Unfortunately, I didn't get to go because I didn't think that taking a 10 month old on a 10 hour bus trip was the best idea! So, it was a week with just me and my boy! We did great but we sure missed Adam! I am sure that all my facebook friends got tired of me counting down the days till his return on my status update! Now that my husband is back, life is again the best it could be! We, as a family, have never been so happy to see a month behind us! My little guy hated his daddy being gone half the month just as much as I did!

Anyway, I am back and look forward to catching up on my fellow blogging friends! I have missed you all!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I am not sure that home has ever felt better than after a week at youth camp! We had so much fun but we are so glad to be home (little guy is too)! The week had some amazing highlights such as: Adam won the "So You Think You Can Dance" contest (shocking... he has no rhythm), the kids has a blast and really opened up with one another, and God did some great things in the lives of our youth! 

Here are just a few pics from the week. Enjoy!

The Amazing View of Pikes Peak 
A few of our girls

Me and my sweet Boy 
Isn't he too cute???

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I can't believe it is almost over already!

Well, we are in our last full day at camp and I have to admit I am a little sad! We had the best service last night and our kids really opened up in the small group time afterward! You can really see some changes in the lives of these students and it is such a privilege to get to a part of it! Even though camp is tiring for the adults, we are so grateful for the experience! 

We are home bound tomorrow at 11 am and I am definitely ready to sleep in my own bed! Though it will be sad to leave this camp and the wonderful view of Pikes Peak, there is nothing like the comfort of home! I am looking forward to a Friday night at home with my boys sitting on the couch and renting a Red Box movie!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

.... so I lied!

Well much to my surprise.... Camp Quaker Ridge has wireless internet! 

Camp has been pretty good so far.... considering I almost packed up my stuff and went home twice already. You see, my little one is usually very flexible and a great traveler but he has thrown me for a little loop this week. Let's just say, I am sure the sound guys that are rooming next to me wish I would go home! I have been having to let B cry it out quite a bit! Oh well, they couldn't have expected to get much sleep this week anyway!

The youth seem to really be enjoying themselves. The speaker is very good and quite entertaining and the worship leader is also a treat! In fact, I get a little disappointed when I have to miss a service due to the little guy! The youth have had some excellent discussion in their small groups and it is really evident that God is working on their hearts! I love camp! I love the high that it brings... the challenge is just staying on that high and keeping your kids motivated to do the same! 

Well, the babe is looking like he is going to take a nap, so I am going to try and catch some zzzz's with him! I will try to update again in the next day or so! 

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Off to Youth Camp!

Well, there will be no blogging for the next week :( I am headed to youth camp tomorrow after church..... which means that my day is filled with laundry, packing, cleaning (because I hate coming home to a dirty house), and everyday activities I do with the boy!

I am really excited to see what this camp is all about. Our youth are sooooo pumped to go so I am thinking that is has to be at least decent! We have all been to those camps where you are thinking "ewwww gross " when you go to bed, the bathroom, and esp. the shower where you wear the famous "shower shoes". I am hoping for a better experience, but it can't be that bad because I will be in the beautiful Rockies! I am taking the little one and we get to say in separate quarters away from the campers. That means that I have an excuse to take naps when he does and go to bed when he does, so I think that I pretty much have it made!

Okay, well lots to do today so I'd better get going. Hope that everyone has a great week. I will look forward to catching up on all of your blogs when I return home!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Life and all that comes with it!

I know it has been almost a week since my last blog entry so I thought I would update! Nothing too exciting has taken place, but I guess that is not such a bad thing. I am somewhat grateful for those quiet weeks that pass by without any drama to interfere!

Most of our youth group kids are out of school for the summer, which means things are about to get really busy for us! We already have two events scheduled for this week and then we take off for camp next Sunday.

Little guy is doing great.... had to get a shot today, which is never fun, but he was a trooper! Shots usually knock kids out and they sleep all day, but not with my child. They wind him up.... he has only slept an hour all day!!!!

All in all, my life is going great! I couldn't be more blessed and I am thankful that God has gently reminded me of that so much lately! Part of my job as a youth pastor's wife is getting to know all the girls and being there for them to talk to, vent, laugh, cry, and every other emotion that us women have been so blessed to get to experience pretty much on a daily basis! :) What this means is that I usually listen to the problems and issues that they are facing. Wow, this is such a privilege and a burden all at the same time. My heart is continually breaking for the intense situations that some of them are having to handle at such a young, impressionable age. Most of the time, I have to be honest with them and let them know that I personally cannot relate or tell them "I know how you feel", but that I will stay in prayer for them! I know that is the absolute best I can do for them but sometimes in the moment it feels as though it is not enough. I am so glad that I trust in a God that is always in control, even in the times of trial and hardship!

May we all count our blessings today, because if we look around (even globally) we would realize that there are so many others around us that are hurting more than we could possible imagine! May we never lose sight of the bigger picture, always be sensitive to those in pain around us, and never lose perspective of just how big and sovereign God is, even if we don't understand His ways!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Superyard = Baby Jail .... and I love it!

Okay so before I was a mother, I used to look at this product for children and mock it because I thought it looked like a jail for babies and was a crazy idea! Well..... let's just say that I changed my mind and it is being shipped to me as we speak!

There are two-fold reasons as to why I chose to surrender and purchase this superyard. First, my son started crawling a week ago and I have never had to say the word "no" more in my life. Second, I need to be able to get things done throughout the day and it seems like the perfect solution for playtime/mommy needs to clean time!

In addition to the above reasons, I have given it much thought (partly because this massive piece of plastic is costing me a pretty penny) and I have come up with another perk. This superyard is another way of teaching my son his first lessons on boundaries. I think this is important due to the fact that learning boundaries is an essential part of life and growing up.... physical, social, emotional boundaries.... they are all important!

Well, I guess those are all my justifications as to why my child will be going to baby jail for playtime! :) Haha It should arrive within the week and I will let you know how it works out for us!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am so proud of my husband!

I start this blog today beaming with pride because I am so proud to be Adam's wife! I am blown away that God chose me to bless with such a wonderful husband! He exceeds my expectations and even when he falters, he is by far a better person than I have ever been or will be! 

The reason for such gushing..... Adam got to preach in "big church" today (and for those who grew up in the bible belt, you know exactly what I mean by that phrase) and he did such a good job! The topic... Time.... time with God, spouse, family, and community. I know that I am biased but it was nothing short of amazing. It is so awesome to see God at work through him as he preaches not only from his heart, but from a lot of hard lessons due to a tough first year of marriage! :) God has really done some amazing interventions in our relationship with the whole "quality time" issue and so for him to be able to share what God has accomplished and is still doing was a great opportunity! 

Adam, I don't always give you the encouragement or uplift that you deserve, but I want you to know that words only seem inadequate when it comes to telling you how much I love you and am so proud of who you are, what you are doing for God, and what you are becoming in God! Babe, this one's for you! I am radiant today because of your love and leadership!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Baby's First Zoo Trip

Today was a great day! I took my son to the Zoo with some of the other stay-at-home moms from our church and their children! It was a great time! He was really not that interested in the animals but he did love smiling at the little girls that went with us! What can I say? Already a ladies' man!!!

I was really impressed with the Denver Zoo. I can say that it is not even comparable to the one in OKC. There were so many exhibits and the animals were always visible (it is a pet peeve to go to the zoo and never see the animals because they are tucked away in their little caves)! I saw so many different animals that I had never seen before!

Well, I obviously enjoyed the zoo trip a little more than my son did! haha! Next time we will take Daddy! He was really sad that he couldn't go!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Long Awaited Date with My Husband!

I am so excited! Tonight, for the first time since Valentine's Day, I get to go on a date with my wonderful husband. Why so long you ask?? Well, we moved away from all of our family and friends and do not have a bajillion (not a word I know) babysitters on hand like we used to! Don't ever take that for granted if you live near your family!

However, I have been blessed with an amazing pastor's wife that loves Beckett so much and watches him every now and then so that Adam and I can get away! She has been super busy with school(she is a school teacher) and her own children but she offers whenever she has a free weekend! God has truly blessed us with great leadership here in Colorado and we truly feel as though they are family!

As for our date.... it will probably be lame on your account, but I LOVE going to the movies and especially now that it is a luxury and not an every weekend occurrence! Don't get me wrong, I also love spending my time with my little man but I am a better momma when I get away for a few hours every now and then! Well, I hope you all have a great weekend! I have to go get spiffy for my date! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I just got back from a trip to Oklahoma to visit family for Mother's Day! It was so good see everyone and catch up, but oh so tiring! I feel like I need another vacation just to rest up. The weekend was filled with going and doing and letting Grandma show off her grandson. Believe me, I had plans from the moment I stepped off the plane to the moment I boarded to come back to home! We spent time with grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins, and a few family friends.

The time away was bittersweet on all accounts. Adam did not get to go with us, so it was hard on all of us to be apart from each other. I had to spend my first Mother's Day AND our 2 Year Anniversary apart from my hubby!!!! We obviously did not look at the dates very close when we planned the trip. I just thought it would be good for my mom if I took Beck to see her on the holiday weekend. On the upside, time with family was priceless and getting to see the joy on their face when they spent time with my precious son was irreplaceable!

All in all, it was wonderful but I am sooooo glad to be home! I missed my husband tremendously and Beckett missed his Daddy!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Trusting God

Trusting God is supposed to come easy for Christians right!?! I lived with that notion for many years and always doubted my relationship with God because to be honest, trusting Him does not come easy for me! I am finding out that more and more people seem to deal with this issue which leads me to the conclusion that it is not supposed to be easy. I think God desires to see us trust him even though it is hard and when we do He is able to and usually does exceed our expectations (even if He did not give us exactly what we wanted). When He proves himself to us, if you will, it may be easier to lay the next situation at His feet and wait on Him! 

I have to be transparent and say that I seem to teeter-totter with the whole trust vs. mistrust. It actually depends on if I feel as though I have enough strength myself and if I feel I have control! If I don't feel experience either of these feelings then I might just let God have it, but usually not until then. Stupid I know, because in all actuality, I have no control... only He does! Why don't I just trust??? It seems so tough to do but it would actually relieve a lot of pressure and make like much easier! In my mind I say "yes, that is what I want to do" but my actions speak nothing of the sort.  I am fully aware that God never meant for you to do life alone (as my husband always says)! He blessed us with friends and family, but more importantly He has blessed us with the opportunity to have the closest relationship with the God whose love knows no boundaries and His desire to provide and care for His people never fades! If you are like me, you have a hard time believing this even though it has been ingrained into your head from a young age... well, I guess we should not just listen but grasp and cling to what His word says:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.  
Proverbs 3:5-6

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.
 Proverbs 29:25

Believe me, I am preaching at myself with these verses!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Denial... a Silent War With Yourself!

So I get a phone call the other day and my mom is on the other end informing me that my father was going in to have yet another arteriogram on his heart to assess whether or not he had blockage in his arteries. Yes, my dad has a history of heart disease (he had his first heart attack at 39) but it never gets any easier to see him go in and know that there is a risk (getting smaller as technology improves, Thank God) that he won't come out!

Today was the day and I was waiting on the phone call to let me know the outcome. By the way, this is the first time I have not been able to be with my family during his heart procedures. My mom finally calls and tells me that he had blockage, they were taking care of it, and that he had to have more tests run in a couple of weeks because there was another artery that did not look good! On the upside, he was recovering fine and would get to go home soon!

Well, I would handle this better if I knew that my dad would do what it takes to ward off future attacks, but you see, my dad is in denial! I don't think he is trying to be stupid and careless with his life but I think he is human and does what we all do.... try to act like there is not a problem and hope that it goes away! This tends to make me really angry at him because I don't want to lose him sooner than I have to, but I am trying to evaluate if there is anything in my life I am in denial about. Usually when something in someone else angers you, it might just be a hint that you deal with the same thing in your own life.

As I am self-evaluating, I realize that there are so many ways that denial can inhibit life and the growing process. It could be "I don't have a TV addiction", "I can quit caffeine anytime I want to", "Our marriage is so good that there is no need to really work on it right now"! Those are just some personal ways of thinking that I have found can really interfere with my life and my marriage and I am sure there are a ton more. I've realized we all have our battles with denial, my dad just happens to deal with a real life/death issue. I am praying that I have the utmost compassion for his situation and God reveals to me how it feels to be in his shoes! I plan to apologize for not always being understanding.... I just don't want to lose my dad! I love him so much!

Please say a prayer for him if it crosses your mind!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dancing With The Stars

In addition to being a avid fan of Fox News, I also am addicted to watching "Dancing With The Stars"! I love it! I think I watch and criticize because I have this inner longing to be able to dance with that kind of style and grace (well really I would just like to be able to dance). I think God may have passed on giving me that ability since he gave me the "gift" of competition and I would be way to intense and annoying! Kristen knows what I am talking about!!

Anyway, I can't believe that Shannon and Derek got voted off! I mean, I don't think she is the best dancer by any means but I have enjoyed watching their drama and love connection week after week! I guess I just figured that America would like that too! I am at any moment waiting to see them on the front of People Magazine declaring their love for each other to the world! On the upside, I am so glad for Marissa and Tony! She is awesome and I love her pep and attitude. She has made me smile more then any other contestant on the show. I think the judges were way to harsh with her in the beginning but they are starting to come around and actually become fans.

Okay well enough with my ranting about things that don't really matter! Have a great day!

Oh and one more thing, Hillary Clinton is being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly and it will be airing tonight and tomorrow. Tune in and maybe we might find out a little more about her!

Monday, April 28, 2008

So..... starting this blog has been more of a challenge to myself than originally anticipated! I feel as though I should have all of these amazing insights that inspire and empower people but really my thoughts free flow in a random mosaic pattern if you will! I have laid in bed at night thinking about what to write and how to tie it to something that resembles spiritual insight and would make me sound a little like I know what I am talking about.....Well, I decided instead of trying to act like I am smart and clever... I am just going to try and be me and we'll see how that turns out!

Well, I have recently become an avid Fox News fan as I have become more and more interested in the upcoming presidential election. This in itself is quite shocking since I have always detested politics, but my turnaround would definitely make my father proud! I have to say that I am extremely concerned about the future of this great country that we live in! Normally, I would vote republican and leave it at that, but I have to say that I have issues with every candidate across the board. Between the dishonesty (or having trouble accurately recalling events as Hillary claims), the Obama-Wright-Ayers relationship ties, and McCain's mystery ( that is what I call it because I honestly don't know a lot about him, just something strikes me as odd).... I have to be honest and say that I almost want to abstain from voting this year. I know that voting is a freedom and a great way to uphold and sustain our democracy, but I am struggling with the idea that I could help put any one of these people in the oval office.

So.....I am challenging myself along with anyone who is willing to diligently pray for this country, its future, and each candidate that has the chance to step into the powerful position of president. I have to admit that praying for the US has never been my strong suit, but I truly believe it is needed now more than ever! I have always been overwhelmed by praying such a massive request (which means that I haven't done it very often because face it... who likes to be overwhelmed?), but I love knowing that God is never overwhelmed and that he is ready and willing to work on our (mine, yours, and the country's) behalf. I stand on his promise that He will perfect all that concerns us! I am praying that His fingerprints will be all over the outcome of this election and that He will give His believers peace and guidance in how to vote at the polls!
Oh and if anyone would like to share their thoughts on the candidates, I would love it!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

I've Finally Entered the World of Blogging

Being new to the blogging world, I will use this first entry to tell a little about myself. I married a great man named Adam on May 12, 2006 (almost 2 years baby) and we are so blessed to be the proud parents of our 7 month old son Beckett! My husband is my best friend and it is an awesome joy to get to do ministry together. He is the youth pastor at Ken Caryl Baptist Church in Littleton, Colorado, which means that I have a job there too. Those of you in ministry can relate. :) We actually recently moved here from Oklahoma away from all of our family and friends. It was a tough decision but God has blessed us over and over for being obedient to His will for our lives. We LOVE it here and we LOVE our job!

It seems like only yesterday Beck was born - time flies too fast! He is full of personality (strong-willed and fiesty) with a hidden layer of pure sweetness that momma can't get enough of! He brings me so much joy and I never knew this kind of love was possible. God is amazing and I can't be grateful enough for all the blessings that my family bring into my life. I love spending time with them just doing nothing. A night on the couch with my boys, laughing and playing, is the perfect way to end my day!

Other joys in life include: COFFEE! I love Starbucks! Walks with Beckett, Shopping, Reading, Dates with Adam (even though they are rare, We miss our Babysitters!!), RedBox Movies, and Talking to my parents and sister on the phone ( I really miss them)!

Well, that's it for now!